Today, I received a message from Cancer Research, UK in which they encouraged me to 'feel comfortable talking to people with cancer'. Obviously, I may not be their target demographic, but the fact that this message is being distributed seems to me to underline what I've said in this blog about people not being comfortable talking to you if you have or have had cancer. I've had various reactions from the inappropriately inquisitive (I don't mind discussing it, but when people launch straight in with extremely personal comments or questions, I do feel a bit offended!) through the rapid and obvious change of subject to those who politely excuse themselves and never speak to me again. Bizarre, in my view. Cancer isn't something you can catch, but you'd certainly think it was, judging by those reactions. I wonder then, whether Cancer Research, UK is taking the right approach, well-meaning though it is, by singling out 'people with cancer' and training others 'how to talk to them'...
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