Thursday, June 21, 2012

Carpe diem

2nd May. Has it really been that long since my last post here? 

The good news is that I've been distracted from thinking too much about cancer, cancer treatment and side effects by having had horrendous hay fever. The further I've moved from my brush with cancer, the worse my hay fever has become. It was bad before cancer, calmed down in the run up to cancer, dying away completely the year before diagnosis and then, with my recover it's returned, albeit in a slightly different guise. This is good though, I think, despite feeling ill and having no voice - my body is now focusing on something other than keeping cancer in check and I am noticing new discomforts unrelated to cancer!

There is, however, bad news, too. Today, I heard that an old friend who was diagnosed with a rare form of abdominal cancer a few weeks before my own diagnosis has died. He made a good recovery from major surgery and, for the last few years, seemed fit. The cancer recurred recently. I wish him peace  now as he goes on his journey.

It's been a reminder to me that I shouldn't get complacent.  Cancer can strike at any time. So, now I really will be trying to carpe diem and not put off until tomorrow things I may never have the chance to do if I wait.

Sleep well my friend.

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