Sunday, November 06, 2011

My journey

As we move towards the end of the year, for the first time in half a decade I'm not dreading January. This whole journey began in late 2004, escalated in December 2005 with an emergency dash to hospital followed by many, many visits to my family doctor and to hospital consultants before diagnosis on 21st December 2006 (the date stays with me!) and emergency surgery on 27th December 2006. Since then, every January has been filled with worry and sleepless nights as the next hospital visit approached. That shadow has been lifted from my life at last, thanks to the flexible an sensible attitude of the nurse I saw this year. My 'official' release date is January 2012, but I got my freedom in January 2011 - time off for good behaviour? Maybe.
So, this year, instead of planning for a trip to hospital, sitting around waiting rooms endlessly and submitting to unpleasant physical examination and impertinent questions, I'm living my life! I have a list of things to do before I die and I hope to start ticking those off, beginning with chasing the aurora borealis instead of dreading the January hospital visit. 
Carpe diem!

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