Monday, October 24, 2011

Slight break in transmission

It's been a busy time and I haven't been able to blog here for a while. 
After my last post, I asked around those I know who've had cancer / have cancer about their experience of getting travel insurance. It turns out that, like me, they've run up against a wall when they've declared their condition. Indeed, 'specialists in travel insurance for cancer patients' seem to be particularly inflexible and charge enormous amounts - into four figures - to insure anyone whose had cancer. Compared with that, the request for an additional £117 to insure me for my cancer seems fairly insignificant!
However, having discussed this with someone I know who used to work for an advice centre, it seems that my suspicion that insurance companies take a completely indiscriminate approach to cancer patients is confirmed. When I declared my condition and was told that it would be £117 to insure it, I pointed out that they couldn't insure that specific condition as I no longer have the organs involved! Indeed, the letter that's arrived with my insurance documents refers specifically 'womb cancer'. A bit difficult to get it again! So, insurers appear to see 'cancer' as a single condition. It isn't. It's many, many, many different conditions, all with different prognoses and attached risks.  I have to say this feels like discrimination and I object!

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