Sunday, April 26, 2009

Another year

And another birthday I didn't expect to see when I was told about my cancer. It's a glorious morning with blue skies, a slight frost and bright sunshine. This must be about the first time in a decade that the sun has shone on my birthday, so I intend to make the most of it. My godmother is taking me out to lunch and then we're going to a local stately home to view the garden - as long as the sun keeps shining. I'm looking forward to it, particularly since I hadn't planned to do anything today. It was a lovely surprise to receive a lunch invitation - I was feeling a bit down after all the excitement of last year's big celebration; friends tell me it's always an anticlimax the year after a huge party!

Well, I may have survived cancer, but I'm definitely beginning to feel age creeping up on me! The dogs and I all have arthritic knees now and stagger about for a few seconds when we first get up, waiting for our joints to start working again! However, it could be so much worse. I could be dead. I could be in hospital. Birthdays remind me of how grateful I am to be alive and feeling well (apart from the creaky joints!) I would have liked to have done the "Relay for Life" this year, but Cancer Research UK hasn't mentioned it to me; it doesn't seem to be happening. A shame. Not all of us want to "Race for life" - a relay where we hand on the baton, even if we only walk the course, seems so much more symbolic, somehow...


Sarah Wells said...

Hi there

My name is Sarah Wells and I am a Relay Development Executive at Cancer Research UK. Relay For Life is definately happening this year. You can log on to to see what is happening near you.

Lesley said...

Thank you for the information, Sarah. Unfortunately, the nearest relay is too far from my home to be viable ;-( The problem is that I was promised I would be informed if the local time was going to have a Relay or not, but, so far, no information has been forthcoming. A shame, as a lot of people in the area would be interested in taking part. I even volunteered to help organise it, but nobody ever got back to me on that one!