Sunday, June 01, 2008

Duvet days

Since I recovered from radiotherapy, I've been very reluctant to spend a day flopping around, taking tea, books, newspapers and meals back to bed and even working from beneath my duvet. Somehow, that feels as though I'm admitting to not being well - and as far as my health is concerned, nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, as I keep saying, I've never been better.

So, I've been avoiding admitting that sometimes I'd like to relax a bit; sometimes, I'd like to put my feet up and not demonstrate to the world how well I am! Today, then, I'm swallowing my pride and having a quiet day, tucked up under my duvet, with cup of tea and laptop. That way, I can relax while marking assignments.

What have I realised this week? Though it's tempting to overdo things after a "life threatening illness" (thank you again to my GP for that tactful phrase), just to prove how healthy you are, you don't have to be superhuman all the time. Sometimes, it's ok to have a duvet day.

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