Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Things are looking up!

Attitudes to cancer are changing slightly, it seems.
When I was first diagnosed and in recovery, I wanted to travel. I had so much trouble getting travel insurance, and it's been the same ever since; as soon as I declare that I've had cancer, the response is, 'We can't insure you, then'. Reading around the subject and talking to people, it seems that for those of us who have had/currently have or are recovering from cancer are seen as a bad risk for insurers.  They don't seem to realise that we're the ones whose health is monitored constantly for five years at least and, so, we're probably fitter than a lot of the population!
Today, it was insurance renewal time again; my last premium was so large that I decided to look for another provider. I was worried; the reason I was with my insurer was th at it was the only company that would insure me.
I filled in an online form. I pointed out that their assumptions about me - 'you haven't ever had of had treatment for cancer' - was incorrect. 'Phone us immediately' was the response. I did, explained my circumstances and, to my amazement, this time I was told I could have insurance and that it would be at the same rate as anyone who hadn't had cancer.
So, either attitudes are changing or insurance companies have worked out that increasing numbers of people are being diagnosed and going home 'cured'. It would be nice if it really were an attitudinal change...

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