Sunday, April 25, 2010

Raising the profile of cancer research charities

As yet another well-known - in certain circles - woman is diagnosed with breast cancer - - the profile of this condition is raised again.
There are three things we shouldn't forget:
  1. Although the numbers of women diagnosed with various forms of cancer is rising, diagnosis comes earlier and this improves the prognosis in most cases.
  2. Breast cancer is just one of many different cancers.
  3. Government spending on research into cancer is limited, so we need to make sure cancer charities receive sufficient funds to continue cancer research.
My own view is that all cancers should have their profiles raised, not just breast cancer and prostate cancer, which seem to be targeted at present. This is not to say that different cancer profiles shouldn't be raised - just that we need to be aware that these are not the only cancers that may affect one in three of us during our lifetimes. Let's try, too, to address the "postcode lottery" that means that the treatment you receive may depend on where you live and give equal access for all to life-saving treatments.

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